Creating a Sacred Space

July 28, 2020 1 min read

Creating a Sacred Space

A sacred space is a meaningful area that you can access to feel uplifted, calm, and connected with yourself.  It can be a designated space within your home, an outdoor area, or even a public place like a nearby beach or park.  

The most important part is the awareness of the meaningfulness of the space. Maybe it has large windows with beautiful natural light or a nearby garden with lush greenery that always makes you smile.  A sacred space can even be a small table in the corner of a room.  Once you determine your sacred space, you may choose to add items to make it even more meaningful to you like a comfortable chair, candle, journal, pictures, or an altar with spiritual symbols.  Choose inspiring items that evoke a sense of calm and happiness.  Also, take into consideration how you intend to use the sacred space?  Will you meditate, pray, journal, do yoga?  Choose items that help you to facilitate that process.  

Lastly, enjoy your sacred space in a tangible, everyday way.  Create a ritual that allows you to regularly access the space, decompress, and create mindfulness. 



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